Hello world thanks for visiting my site! My name is Eliot and I've been playing the bass for a long time now. I think it’s more than 35 years. Many gigs during that time in some incredible places in this country and around this awesome world.

But the thing I’m most thankful for are the amazing musicians I have had the great joy of performing with during that time. I would like to use this site as a way of introducing you to some great players and wonderful music and some of my activities too.

In the coming months we are going to try and have more links to musicians that you probably haven’t heard of before, as well as the wonderful colleagues that are the wings on which I am able to soar. We’ll also focus on my endeavors, giving you concert information, teaching schedules and some more sound bites to check out.

So surf around a while and check it out. Please feel free to contact me with any comments or questions you may have. I'd like to hear from you!!
